

项目活动 Events

发布时间 :2021年06月15日 浏览量 :146

5. 项目活动Events

1) 项目管理manage meetings


In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the project, a series of offline and online meetings were held to promote the communication of information among various cooperative units. Among them, the first PMU meeting and the third PAU meeting were held in Sichuan University.


2018年8月26-27日,1st PMU meeting,中国350VIP浦京集团    2019年5月4-5日,3rd PAU meeting,中国350VIP浦京集团

2) 师资培训Staff mobility

2019年6月至10月期间,我校18人次教师赴德国罗斯托克大学(University of Rostock,UROS)、瑞典Mälardalen大学(MDH)以及意大利佛罗伦萨大学及其相关企业进行教师培训活动。

From June to October 2019, 18 teachers from SCU went to the University of Rostock (UROS) in Germany, the University of Mälardalen (MDH) in Sweden, and the University of Florence in Italy and related companies for teacher mobility.


3)线上创业课程“培训讲师”活动The online "Train the Trainers" activity for the entrepreneurship course


In order to cultivate students' entrepreneurial spirit, two teachers of our school participated in a corporate training course developed by our partner CESIE based on their experience in this field. Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the training to students will be hold online from the end of June to mid-July 2020.



培训讲师授课截屏 A moment of the “Train the Trainers” session.